Event predictions

This page presents a selection of "best" events.  These are also available through the Occultation Portal

Please check Occult Watcher Cloud, for details and updates, in the specific feed of the ACROSS campaign.
Here below you can find predictions for events by:

  • The asteroid (65 803) Didymos. This is the main target of ACROSS, and the target of the DART/Hera first planetary defence missions.
  • OWC Logo The 9 potential secondary targets of Hera (ESA) in the next 5 years: (29 886) Randytung, (42 532) 1995 OR, (54 212) 2000 HJ89, (88 992)  2001 TJ72, (95 802) Francismuir, (122 764) 2000 SX69, (169 549) 2002 EG105, (188  708) 2005 TR99 and (477 416) 2009 WW1. 
  • NEAs with orbits that allow predictions with a decent probability of success, with a list of about 30 NEAs chosen according to their orbital quality (σa < 1e-9 au), size (D > 0.5 km) and presence in the Gaia DR3 database.

For each group, a table and images are published for the most accessible events in the following two months, and files with the full list of predicted events in XML format (produced by Occult) are shared at the end. It should be noted that, due to the low number of restrictions we apply in the XML files, they may have more than 20 000 events, in particular the general NEA files. 20 000 is the standard limit of events for Occult, as it claims that the processes involving a larger amount of events can slow down significantly. However, it is possible to raise this limit up to 100 000, the maximum Occult allows. To do that, it is necessary to enter the "Maintenance" section, choose "User Settings", go to "11. Asteroid occultations - Search and Display", where you can edit the limit. If necessary, the team can also provide smaller files upon request, for those who choose to keep this limit.


By accessible, we mean events with:

- Star Magnitude (Mv) <= 14.0;

- Maximum Duration (s) >= 0.2 (for the general NEA only);

- Path crosses significant amount of landmass on Earth's surface (not just oceans);

- Solar Elongation >= 45º;

- For the more general NEA events only, whether the path uncertainty is less than 5x the object's Diameter.


The tables have the essential information of each event: date, target asteroid's permanent number and name, target star's catalogue name and number, RA/Dec coordinates and Mv magnitude, and quantities related to the event, such as expected drop (in magnitudes), maximum duration (in seconds) and the general area of the globe where the event is visible. Also contained the Occu;t Map for every event. For the most promising Didymos events (red lines) and when requested by observers, the last column holds the .kmz file of the event with the predicted path and the topographic corrections applied.   


IMPORTANT: The .xml tables are only propagated once for the whole month for simplicity, while all the events displayed here and in OWC have been propagated to the date of occultation. So the maps in the xml and these images may not match perfectly. If you are insterested in observing an event not included in OWC or this website, please contact the ACROSS team, in order to have access to the most precise map we can get for it.

Interesting events in the near future


Date Star RA Dec Conditions Zone Map .kmz
Catalogue Number h m s d m s Mv Drop Duration
09/13/2024 UCAC4 305-141022 17 42 14 -29 -10 -5 12,4 7,3 0.11 South America 2024 09 13 65803 didymos ucac4 305 141022
09/13/2024 UCAC4 305-141198 17 42 53 -29 -10 -32 13,2 6,5 0.11 Japan 2024 09 13 65803 didymos ucac4 305 141198 
09/13/2024 UCAC4 305-141407 17 43 41 -29 -10 -43 12,6 7,1 0.11 South America 2024 09 13 65803 didymos ucac4 305 141407
09/17/2024 UCAC4 304-141591 17 49 7 -29 -12 -8 13,1 6,6 0.10 South America 2024 09 17 65803 didymos ucac4 304 141591 
09/19/2024 UCAC4 304-146542 17 53 42 -29 -12 -45 12,8 7 0.09 Australia 2024 09 19 65803 didymos ucac4 304 146542 
09/19/2024 UCAC4 304-147862 17 54 16 -29 -13 0 13,1 6,7 0.10 Europe 2024 09 19 65803 didymos ucac4 304 147862 
09/22/2024 UCAC4 304-157422 17 58 46 -29 -12 -48 13,2 6,6 0.10 South America 2024 09 22 65803 didymos ucac4 304 157422 
09/22/2024 UCAC4 304-160859 17 59 43 -29 -12 -39 13,1 6,7 0.09 Australia 2024 09 22 65803 didymos ucac4 304 160859 
09/22/2024 UCAC4 304-162196 18 0 19 -29 -12 -50 13,6 6,2 0.09 Europe 2024 09 22 65803 didymos ucac4 304 162196 
09/23/2024 UCAC4 304-162938 18 0 39 -29 -12 -40 13,3 6,4 0.09 South America 2024 09 23 65803 didymos ucac4 304 162938
09/24/2024 UCAC4 304-171907 18 3 54 -29 -12 -2 12,6 7,1 0.08 Australia 2024 09 24 65803 didymos ucac4 304 171907 
09/24/2024 UCAC4 304-172180 18 3 57 -29 -12 -3 13,4 6,4 0.09 Australia 2024 09 24 65803 didymos ucac4 304 172180 
09/25/2024 UCAC4 305-187707 18 5 53 -29 -11 -33 13,4 6,3 0.09 New Zealand 2024 09 25 65803 didymos ucac4 305 187707 
09/26/2024 UCAC4 305-194296 18 8 24 -29 -10 -52 13,3 6,4 0.08 Australia 2024 09 26 65803 didymos ucac4 305 194296
09/26/2024 UCAC4 305-195136 18 8 45 -29 -11 0 12,7 7 0.08 Europe 2024 09 26 65803 didymos ucac4 305 195136 
09/28/2024 UCAC4 305-204313 18 11 48 -29 -9 -50 12,7 7,1 0.08 North America 2024 09 28 65803 didymos ucac4 305 204313
09/28/2024 UCAC4 305-207719 18 12 42 -29 -9 -20 13 6,7 0.08 Australia 2024 09 28 65803 didymos ucac4 305 207719
09/28/2024 UCAC4 305-207952 18 12 45 -29 -9 -14 12,7 7 0.08 Australia 2024 09 28 65803 didymos ucac4 305 207952 
09/30/2024 UCAC4 305-222450 18 17 43 -29 -6 -46 12,8 7 0.07 Australia 2024 09 30 65803 didymos ucac4 305 222450
09/30/2024 UCAC4 305-223711 18 18 14 -29 -6 -40 13,5 6,3 0.07 Europe 2024 09 30 65803 didymos ucac4 305 223711 
10/01/2024 UCAC4 305-229717 18 20 45 -29 -5 -9 13,8 6 0.08 Europe 2024 10 01 65803 didymos ucac4 305 229717 
10/05/2024 UCAC4 306-243129 18 30 23 -28 -57 -29 13,7 6,1 0.07 Australia 2024 10 05 65803 didymos ucac4 306 243129
10/08/2024 UCAC4 306-250657 18 38 20 -28 -49 -30 13,4 6,5 0.06 Australia 2024 10 08 65803 didymos ucac4 306 250657 
10/12/2024 UCAC4 308-250722 18 49 32 -28 -35 -33 13,2 6,6 0.06 Australia 2024 10 12 65803 didymos ucac4 308 250722 
10/17/2024 UCAC4 310-246225 19 4 28 -28 -11 -40 11,8 8 0.06 New Zealand 2024 10 17 65803 didymos ucac4 310 246225
10/18/2024 UCAC4 310-247330 19 8 1 -28 -5 -9 13,6 6,2 0.06 Australia 2024 10 18 65803 didymos ucac4 310 247330 
10/21/2024 UCAC4 312-242295 19 17 10 -27 -47 0 12,7 7,1 0.06 Japan 2024 10 21 65803 didymos ucac4 312 242295



Other Didymos events  for September-October in  XML format for Occult ( ~3000 in total).


See dedicated page for the event on January 21-22, 2023 !

Potential Hera secondary Targets


Date Asteroid Star RA Dec Conditions Zone Map
Number Name Catalogue Number h m s d m s Mv Drop Duration
09/08/2024 29886 Randytung UCAC4 555-025939 6 20 23 20 48 2 12,7 7,2 0.11 North America 2024 09 08 29886 randytung ucac4 555 025939 
09/25/2024 29886 Randytung UCAC4 551-033087 6 49 16 20 9 14 13,4 6,3 0.14 Europe 2024 09 14 477416 2009 ww1 tyc 1342 00828 1 
09/14/2024 477416 2009 WW1 TYC 1342-00828-1 6 41 25 21 57 18 11,2 11,1 0.03 Europe 2024 09 25 29886 randytung ucac4 551 033087 
10/09/2024 29886 Randytung UCAC4 547-038284 7 11 11 19 23 26 13,5 6,1 0.17 North America  2024 10 09 29886 randytung ucac4 547 038284
10/26/2024 169549 2002 EG105 UCAC4 578-040481 7 33 12 25 31 48 11,9 8,5 0.12 Europe 2024 10 26 169549 2002 eg105 tyc 1915 00508 1 
10/26/2024 169549 2002 EG105 TYC 1915-00508-1 7 34 3 25 32 55 11,2 9,3 0.12 Australia 2024 10 26 169549 2002 eg105 ucac4 578 040481 
10/31/2024 29886 Randytung UCAC4 541-042528 7 38 39 18 2 24 13,6 5,6 0.28 Australia 2024 10 31 29886 randytung ucac4 541 042528 
10/31/2024 54212 2000 HJ89 UCAC4 535-045002 7 55 15 16 49 25 12,8 8,3 0.15 Japan 2024 10 31 54212 2000 hj89 ucac4 535 045002 



Other Hera events  for August-September in  XML format for Occult ( ~400 in total).



Other NEAs


Date Asteroid Star RA Dec Conditions Zone Map
Number Name Catalogue Number h m s d m s Mv Drop Duration
09/05/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3939-01740-1 19 52 41 54 38 18 10,3 0,5 6.48 North America 2024 09 05 1036 ganymed tyc 3939 01740 1
09/11/2024 1036 Ganymed UCAC4 717-068321 20 10 21 53 15 22 10,3 0,5 4.84 Europe 2024 09 11 1036 ganymed ucac4 717 068321 
09/12/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3936-01716-1 20 11 16 53 10 25 10,4 0,4 4.78 North America 2024 09 12 1036 ganymed tyc 3936 01716 1 
09/15/2024 1036 Ganymed UCAC4 711-073532 20 22 14 52 7 1 11,3 0,2 4.21 Japan 2024 09 15 1036 ganymed ucac4 711 073532 
09/15/2024 162173 Ryugu TYC 2419-01317-1 6 5 46 30 57 24 11,7 9,3 0.04 Australia 2024 09 15 162173 ryugu tyc 2419 01317 1 
09/19/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3585-02677-1 20 35 2 50 43 3 11 0,2 3.73 North America 2024 09 19 1036 ganymed tyc 3585 02677 1 
09/20/2024 1036 Ganymed UCAC4 700-081982 20 41 41 49 55 14 11,2 0,2 3.53 Europe 2024 09 20 1036 ganymed ucac4 700 081982 
09/21/2024 162173 Ryugu TYC 2422-00803-1 6 35 7 30 7 54 10,8 10,1 0.05 North America 2024 09 21 162173 ryugu tyc 2422 00803 1 
09/22/2024 162173 Ryugu TYC 1892-00701-1 6 40 13 29 56 40 10,1 10,8 0.05 North America 2024 09 22 162173 ryugu tyc 1892 00701 1 
09/22/2024 163692 2003 CY18 UCAC4 522-018520 5 57 46 14 22 7 12,1 8,9 0.08 Japan 2024 09 22 163692 2003 cy18 ucac4 522 018520 
09/23/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3579-01661-1 20 53 27 48 23 20 10 0,4 3.23 Europe 2024 09 23 1036 ganymed tyc 3579 01661 1 
09/23/2024 162173 Ryugu UCAC4 600-036547 6 43 39 29 48 31 12,8 8,1 0.04 Europe 2024 09 23 162173 ryugu ucac4 600 036547 
09/24/2024 162173 Ryugu UCAC4 598-036718 6 50 0 29 32 57 8,9 12 0.04 South America 2024 09 24 162173 ryugu ucac4 598 036718 
09/28/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3589-02353-1 21 13 4 45 28 20 9,4 0,6 2.85 Australia 2024 09 28 1036 ganymed tyc 3589 02353 1 
09/29/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 3181-03519-1 21 18 46 44 31 59 10,2 0,3 2.76 Europe 2024 09 29 1036 ganymed tyc 3181 03519 1 
09/29/2024 2100 Ra-Shalom HIP 74800 15 17 14 -7 -51 -24 7,2 11,1 0.05 Australia 2024 09 29 2100 ra shalom hip 74800 
09/29/2024 162173 Ryugu UCAC4 592-039084 7 16 28 28 12 60 11,7 9,2 0.04 North America 2024 09 29 162173 ryugu ucac4 592 039084 
10/01/2024 4660 Nereus HIP 86515 17 40 50 -23 -50 -10 7,8 14,9 0.02 Europe 2024 10 01 4660 nereus hip 86515 
10/05/2024 4179 Toutatis UCAC4 333-149418 18 16 56 -23 -27 -27 11,6 6,9 0.19 Australia 2024 10 05 4179 toutatis ucac4 333 149418 
10/08/2024 137805 1999 YK5 UCAC4 632-044956 9 22 45 36 12 9 12,2 6,5 0.28 North America 2024 10 08 137805 1999 yk5 ucac4 632 044956 
10/11/2024 163899 2003 SD220 TYC 3859-00325-1 14 16 44 54 24 52 9,6 7 0.21 North America 2024 10 11 163899 2003 sd220 tyc 3859 00325 1 
10/12/2024 438908 2009 XO TYC 1224-00918-1 2 57 54 16 58 1 10,5 12,9 0.03 North America 2024 10 12 438908 2009 xo tyc 1224 00918 1 
10/18/2024 4179 Toutatis UCAC4 334-181652 18 39 18 -23 -15 -33 13 5,4 0.14 Australia 2024 10 18 4179 toutatis ucac4 334 181652 
10/19/2024 4544 Xanthus UCAC4 285-106709 16 58 26 -33 -7 -49 12,3 6,8 0.08 Australia 2024 10 19 4544 xanthus ucac4 285 106709 
10/20/2024 1036 Ganymed TYC 2221-00942-1 22 50 44 23 47 25 8,5 1 2.08 Australia 2024 10 20 1036 ganymed tyc 2221 00942 1 
10/20/2024 11405 1999 CV3 UCAC4 364-005802 4 38 51 -17 -19 -15 13,1 5,2 0.24 Australia 2024 10 20 11405 1999 cv3 ucac4 364 005802 
10/21/2024 163899 2003 SD220 UCAC4 752-049878 15 6 3 60 18 30 13 3,1 0.22 Japan 2024 10 21 163899 2003 sd220 ucac4 752 049878
10/22/2024 163899 2003 SD220 TYC 4180-00139-1 15 9 50 60 36 53 11,8 4,2 0.22 North America 2024 10 22 163899 2003 sd220 tyc 4180 00139 1 
10/23/2024 163899 2003 SD220 TYC 4181-00454-1 15 15 55 61 4 15 11,6 4,4 0.22 North America 2024 10 23 163899 2003 sd220 tyc 4181 00454 1
10/28/2024 163899 2003 SD220 TYC 4185-01144-1 15 58 54 63 22 33 10,1 5,6 0.21 Europe 2024 10 28 163899 2003 sd220 tyc 4185 01144 1 
10/30/2024 163899 2003 SD220 TYC 4192-01744-1 16 9 7 63 44 58 11,3 4,3 0.21 North America 2024 10 30 163899 2003 sd220 tyc 4192 01744 1 



Other NEA targets' events for September-Octoberin XML format for Occult (>10000 in total, caution with Occult limit!).