Three major stages mark the history of the Côte d'Azur observatory  :
1. the creation of the Nice observatory (in 1881) ;
2. the creation of the Geodynamics and Astrometry Research Center (CERGA) and its observation site, the Calern Observatory (in 1970)
3. the merger of the Nice observatory with the Geodynamics and Astrometry Research Center (CERGA) to become the Alpes-Maritimes Observatory (in 1986) then the Côte d'Azur observatory (in 1988).
The documents below retrace this evolution from the creation of the Nice observatory in 1881 to the formal creation of the Côte d'Azur observatory in 1986.

Click on the section that interests you : CERGA (1881-1987) - Nice Observatory (1881-1887) - Côte d'Azur Observatory (1988) and then on the cover page of a document to consult it or on "find out more" to see the table of contents

History - Nice observatory (1881-1985)

Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice. Tome 1 [Texte]
Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin (Eds sc.)  (1899)
Call number : A002341(A1)

History of the Nice observatory from its creation until 1911 (buildings, instruments, staff, scientific works).
Access condition  : Free access for all
To find out more and to
see the atlas
  See also  Monographie de l'obs. de Nice / Charles Garnier (1892)
(external resource :  "e-rara", the ETH-Bibliothek Zürich portal)


1881-1981 : cent ans d'astronomie à l'observatoire de Nice
A. Clorennec, R. Feldman, J.-P. Zahn et al. (1981)
Call number : W20  (OCA-NI-005000)
Brochure written on the occasion of the centenary of the Nice Observatory. Richly illustrated, it retraces the major stages in the creation and development of the Nice observatory from 1879 to 1981


Access condition  : Restricted access to OCA

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Le centenaire de l'observatoire de Nice
Conférence de Jean-Claude Pecker (1981)
in Bulletin de l'ADION, n.18,1981, p.15-37 (p.19-41 du pdf)

Conference given by Jean-Claude Pecker on the occasion of the centenary of the Nice Observatory on the creation and development of the observatory


 Access condition  : Restricted access to OCA


L'Observatoire de Nice
Paul Couteau (1981)
Call number : W17 / OCA-NI-009776
Booklet on the history of the Nice observatory and its instruments from its creation until the early 1980s : the construction period - the period of the 2 great wars - the rebirth from 1962
Access condition  :  Restricted access to OCA

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Observatoire de Nice hier, aujourd'hui Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
José Antonio de Freitas Pacheco (dir.) ; Renata Feldman (ed.) (1998)
Call number : W21 / OCA-NI-005460

History of the Nice observatory which became the Côte d'Azur observatory until the beginning of the 1990s. Development of a museum project to ensure the conservation of the Nice Mont-Gros site
Access condition  :  Restricted access to OCA

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Le centenaire de l'observatoire de Nice (suivi de) L'observatoire de Nice à travers son siècle
Paul Couteau (1982)
in L'Astronomie, vol.96, nov. 1982, pp.487-499
Call number : W185 / OCA-NI-010663

History of the Nice observatory from its creation in 1881 until 1982. 


Access condition  :  Restricted access to OCA 
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image bibnumW87Thorel l oca du mont gros a CALERN 0001  

L'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur du Mont-Gros au Plateau de Calern en passant par le village de Gourdon La Sarrasine : rappel historique et visite des lieux
Jean Claude Thorel (2002)
Call number : W87 / OCA-NI-007779 

 Foundation, history and guided tour of the Nice Observatory (part 1)

 Access condition  :  Restricted access to library staff .  The document is available in paper version
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History - the Geodynamics and Astrometry Research Center (CERGA) (1965-1985) and the Calern observatory

Research campaign of astronomical sites 1965-1969 


La recherche d'un site
Jean-Claude Pecker (1967)
in Bull. de l'ADION, n.4,1967, p.47-51

Cote : PO422

Access condition  :  Restricted access to OCA  


OCA NI 005384 W48 Billaud Gerard Recherche de sites astronomiques 1 resultats mesures titre  
Recherche de sites astronomiques. Fasc. 1. Résultats des mesures 
Gérard Billaud (1966)
Call number : W48 / OCA-NI-005384
A research campaign for astronomical sites for the establishment of a future observatory was undertaken in 1965. This booklet presents the results of the first measurements made in Briançon and Nice (1965-1966) 

Access condition  : restricted access to OCA
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Francis Laclare (1968?)
Call number : W175 / OCA-NI-010467
With a view to the installation of new instruments, particularly in the context of astrometry, a series of meteorological studies and experiments should lead to drawing up a picture of the sites where one can hope for optimal performance.

Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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OCA NI 005385 W49 Laclare franiques 2 campagne d observation titre  

Recherche de sites astronomiques.
Campagnes d'observations avec l'astrolabe Danjon. II. Observations astronomiques. Rendement instrumental dans les sites prospectés
Francis Laclare (1967)
Call number : W49 / OCA-NI-005385

The purpose of this 2nd booklet is to present the results of astronomical observations and the instrumental performance in the different sites observed 
Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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La campagne de prospection de site dans les Alpes Maritimes. La station expérimentale de la cime de l'Aspre 
= Campagne de recherche de sites [titre de couv.]

Bernard Bertin ; Jacques Marchal (1969)

Call number : W47 / OCA-NI-004913
In 1966, the French National Astronomical Committee decided to install experimental stations intended for the study of possible locations for the astrophysical instruments provided for in the 5th Equipment Plan. The choice of the location of the experimental station to be created in the Alpes-Maritimes is assigned to the Nice observatory.

Access condition  :  restricted access to OCA
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Contribution à la recherche d'un site d'observatoire astrométrique 
Francis Laclare (1969)

Thèse : Science : Faculté des Sciences de Paris : 1969
Call number  : W181 / OCA-NI-010654

A research campaign for astronomical sites for the establishment of a future observatory was undertaken in 1965. This thesis presents the results of the first meteorological measurements and astronomical observations.

Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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The creation of CERGA 1970-1974 (choice of the observation site - construction of the Calern observatory and Roquevignon site)

OCA NI 010465 W173 OBS PARIS RAPPORT1973  

Rapport d'activité 1973
Observatoire de Paris
Call number : W173 / OCA-NI-010465

This activity report presents in chapter 2 the first stages of the constitution of CERGA and the construction project of the Calern observatory (see p.7-8) 
Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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Rapport préparatoire au rapport de conjoncture pour le septième plan
Jean Kovalevsky (1974)
Call number : W206 / OCA-NI-010848

Situation of French astronomy in 1974 in the field of astrometry, space geodesy, geophysics, celestial mechanics and planetology. Comparison with foreign countries. Short and medium term outlook. Role of CERGA
Access condition : restricted access to OCA 
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CERGA : Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Géodynamiques et Astronomiques
Jean Kovalevsky, dir. du CERGA (1975)

Call number  W68  (OCA-NI-006737)

History of the creation of the Center for Geodynamic and Astronomical Studies and Research (CERGA) and the Calern observatory (period : 1965-1974)

 Access condition  : restricted access to OCA

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OCA NI 010678 W188 OCR l astronomie 89 1975 1  

Le Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Géodynamiques et Astronomiques

Jean Kovalevsky (1975)
in L'Astronomie, 89e année, Juil-Août 1975, pp. 271-286  

Call number : W188 / OCA-NI-010678

History of the creation of the Calern observatory and the organization of CERGA. Period covered : 1964-1975 and prospective 1976


Access condition  : restricted access to OCA

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OCA NI 004136 W26 IL ETAIT UNECERGA fasc 1 LACLARE1994 Titre

Il était une fois... la naissance du C.E.R.G.A. Fascicules  1 & 2
Francis Laclare (1994)
Call number vol 1 : W26 (OCA-NI-004136)
Call number vol 2 : W27 (OCA-NI-004137)

Collection of technical documents on the CERGA's birth in 2 vol.. - Period covered : 1970-1974
Access condition : Restricted access to OCA
  OCA NI 004137 W27 IL ETAIT UNECERGA fasc 2 LACLARE1994 Titre
fasc. 2
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PO142 5 CERGA1 Projet d un cerga1970 titre  

CERGA n°1. Projet d'un centre d'études et de recherches géodynamiques et astronomiques (CERGA)
François Barlier ; Bernard Guinot ; Jacques Levy et al (1970)
Call number : PO142(5)

Presentation of the project to create CERGA and the Calern observatory at its beginnings in 1970

 Access condition : Restricited access to OCA

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PO142 5 CERGA2 doc sur geodynamique1970 titre  

CERGA, n.2 . Proposition à long terme sur la géodynamique = Documentation sur la géodynamique (titre de couv.)
Michel Lefebvre (collab.) (1970)
Call number : PO142(5)

The document describes the state of knowledge in spatial geodynamics in 1970 and the main role that CERGA could play in this field

Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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PO142 5 CERGA3 projet d un cerga1973 titre  

CERGA n°3. Projet d'un centre d'études et de recherches géodynamiques et astronomiques,CERGA
Jean Kovalevsky (1973)
Call number : PO142(5)

Presentation of the CERGA project in the implementation phase in 1973 


Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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Scientific and administrative activities of CERGA (Activity reports 1975-1986)

OCA NI 010838 W203 CERGA PORTES OUVERTES   CERGA. Portes ouvertes
Centre d'études et de recherches géodynamiques et astronomiques (CERGA) [1979?].

Call number : W203 (OCA-NI-010838)

Open House Day at the Calern observatory : the various CERGA teams present their instruments and their research


 Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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OCA NI 010466 TITRE W174 KOVALEKSY LIVRE DE LA JUNGLE   Le livre de la jungle 1974-1982
Jean Kovalevsky (1982)

Call number : W174 (OCA-NI-010466)

Collection of 50 decisions about the internal organization of CERGA for the period 1974-1982

 Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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OCA NI 005016 W28 LE CERGA 1981 TITRE  
Centre d'études et de recherches géodynamiques et astronomiques (CERGA) (1981)
Call number  : W28 (OCA-NI-005016)
Description of the CERGA's scientific and administrative activities in the years 1978 to 1981 with a reminder of the historical context at the origin of these activities.
Access condition : restricted access to OCA
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PO142 5 CERGA5 rapport activite cerga 1975 OCR 1

CERGA n°5. Rapports d'activité 1975

CERGA [1976]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-5)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

  PO142 5 CERGA6 rapport activite cerga 1976 titre

CERGA n°6. Rapports d'activité 1976

CERGA [1977]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-6)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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PO142 5 CERGA7 rapport activite cerga 1977 titre Page 01  

CERGA n.7. Rapports d'activité 1977

CERGA [1978]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-7)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

  PO142 5 CERGA8 rapport activite cerga 1978 titre  

CERGA n.8 . Rapports d'activité 1978

CERGA [1979]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-8)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA


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PO142 5 CERGA9 rapport activite cerga1979 titre

CERGA n°9. Rapports d'activité 1979

CERGA [1980]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-9)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

PO142 5 CERGA10 rapport activite cerga 1980 titre  

CERGA n.10. Rapports d'activité 1980

CERGA [1981]

Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-10)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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PO142 5 CERGA12 Rapport activite cerga1982 titre  

CERGA n°11. Rapports d'activité 1981

CERGA [1982]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-11)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

PO142 5 CERGA12 Rapport activite cerga1982 titre

CERGA n°12. Rapports d'activité 1982

CERGA [1983]
Call number : PO142(5) (PO142(5)-12)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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PO142 5 CERGA13 rapport activite CERGA1983 TITRE  

CERGA n.13. Rapports d'activité 1983

CERGA [1984]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-13)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA



CERGA n°14. Rapports d'activité 1984

CERGA [1985]

Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-14)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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CERGA n.15. Rapports d'activité 1985

CERGA [1986]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-15)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA


CERGA n.16. Rapports d'activité 1986

CERGA [1987]
Call number : PO142(5) /  (PO142(5)-16)

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

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OCA NI 010682 W191 Rozelot cerga dix ans apres sa creation lastronomie 1985 v99  

Le CERGA dix ans après sa création
Jean-Pierre Rozelot, dir. du CERGA (1985)

in L'Astronomie, vol. 99, déc.1985, p.545-556

Call number : W191 (OCA-NI-010682)

Evolution of CERGA from 1974 to 1984 around 6 themes: 1. Space geodesy and Earth sciences - 2. Schmidt telescope - 3. Reference systems - 4. Optical interferometry - 5. Dynamics of the solar system - 6. Technical research and prospective

Access condition : restricted access to OCA

History of the creation of the Côte d'Azur Observatory - Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (1988-...)

Dossier de proposition de l'UA, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur

Raymond Michard  (1988)

Call number : W14 (OCA-NI-004995)
The Decree 86-200 of 12-02-1986 brought together the Nice Observatory (UA 128) and CERGA (UA 252) within a new public establishment called "Observatoire des Alpes-Maritimes" (OAM).  For the year 1988, proposal for the creation of an Associated Unit bringing together the teams previously associated within UAs 128 and 252 under the name of "Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur."

Access conditions : restricted access to OCA 
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